Wherever he
worked, he was known for his strictness. He never believed in appropriating for
himself what was not his. From very humble beginnings, he was brought up to
understand that what made a man was his ability to resist taking what did not
belong to him, even if he had the opportunity. As diplomat, Member of Parliament,
Minister Delegate at the Presidency in charge of Relations with the Assemblies,
Minister Mines, Water and Energy, and Minister Delegate at the Ministry of
External Relations in charge of Commonwealth affairs, H.E Francis Nkwain gave
his all, without bothering what went into his personal accounts. Unlike other
ministers who made kickbacks the order of the day in any of their transactions,
Nkwain preferred to live within his means, thanking President Biya each day for
having given him an opportunity to give back to Cameroon. When time came to quit
government, he preferred to move straight home to his native Njinikom in Boyo
division, even as his colleagues remained in Yaounde to continue to influence government
business and politics.
Nkwain - The Distinguished Cameroonian
Nkwain is one of the most
celebrated Cameroonian today. Both at government and traditional circles, he
has received and continues to receive distinctions that set him aside others.
Only last May 20, 2012, President Paul Biya decided to distinguish him in
Bafoussam, West Region with one of the highest honours of the land. This
national order distinction or grand cordon came to add to the numerous medals he
has received at various stages of his life. At the traditional level, his
retirement to the village gave the Kom people the opportunity to reward him
with one of the highest titles of the land - that of ‘Bochong Akou’ or the ‘Bochong
of the forest’. Not many people in Kom land ever succeed in getting this
title. Today as Board Chair of the University
of Dschang, President
Biya feels obliged to recognize him as an illustrious servant of the state who
has offered selfless services to the nation.
Nkwain - The Last Remaining Pillar of Rigour and Moralization
After the official medal award
ceremony in Bafoussam, Nkwain true to self decided to organize a separate
ceremony back at home with his people. The occasion last week was an
opportunity for him to publicly demonstrate his support to President Paul Biya
for the ongoing fight against corruption. The former minister went ahead to
offer a special mass for President Biya in Njinikom so as to pray for him to
continue with the good fight. During the event, Nkwain argued that it was the
responsibility of Cameroonians to pray for Biya without necessarily waiting for
Biya to ask to be prayed for. The heavily attended event was testimony of
people’s attachment to Biya’s current drive to curb corruption and embezzlement
of public funds. Unlike former PM Achidi Achu, who is reported to have remarked
that if President Biya consulted him, he would have advised against arrest of
top government ministers, Nkwain continue to think that Biya needs to be
encouraged to do more.
Nkwain - The Unassuming Man
Many who have come across Nkwain
maintain that although he is sometimes so demanding, they are lucky to have
known him and to have been recipients of his sometimes gruff advice, his often
gentle encouragement, and his always caring conscience. He mixes freely both
with people of the upper class and the commoner. In the village he attends all
kinds of events ranging from ‘born house’
through ‘cry-dies’ to marriage and
political events. He does not set himself above others and does not see an
event too insignificant for him to attend if he is free. That makes him a
down-to-earth politician.
Nkwain - The Family Man
Although seen by his children
while still growing up as a strict father, he is today respected as a father
who performed his responsibilities just too well. He is considered to have
played a unique and important role in the lives of his children. As mentor,
protector, and provider, Nkwain is seen today to have fundamentally influenced
the shape and direction of his children’s characters by giving love, care,
discipline, and guidance. As we observe father’s month this June, many people,
not only his children pay tribute to him as model father and father-figure.
Since raising up a child requires significant time, effort and sacrifice,
Nkwain must be praised for his ability to balance work and family time to take
care of his children.
As his children
influence society today in various ways, the value of Nkwain as a father comes
to fruition. Knowing that responsible fatherhood was important to a healthy and
civil society, Nkwain made sure his contribution to this nation never ended
just at the level of government. Since children learn by example, there is no
doubt that Nkwain’s children are proud representatives of their father,
everywhere they are in society.
Nkwain - The Politician
As substantive member of the CPDM
central committee for Boyo, Nkwain has maintained the flame of the party in
this predominantly opposition area for over 20 years. His contribution to the
growth of the CPDM in Boyo and the North
West cannot be challenged. He has been central
committee delegation leader to both the North
West and South West Regions especially when it comes
to resolving conflicts. Today he is in charge of conflicts in the CPDM central committee
where he uses his wisdom to keep the party united. Even in the midst of
opposition heat, Nkwain continued to implant the CPDM in his native Kom. He
even risked his life and that of the family when in the 90s SDF vandals went
round burning houses of suspected CPDM supporters. Being a former CPDM
parliamentarian for Kom, Nkwain today is a repertoire of politics in the North West. As adviser
to the North West Coordination of CPDM section presidents, Nkwain enjoys a lot
of popularity amongst local CPDM leaders in the North West.
Nkwain - The Developer
Many critics have continued to go
home with the impression that Nkwain has been stranger to development in Boyo.
On the contrary, Nkwain remains the single Boyo man to date who has contributed
in every small way to development efforts in every part of Boyo. As minister,
he was patron to every village and quarter development meeting, especially at
fundraising occasions. This had to do with scholarships and provision of water
back home. Try thinking that he did not work for the tarring of the
Bambui-Fundong road thus making Fundong the only divisional headquarters then
to be linked to the provincial headquarters by tar road and we remind you other
divisions around Cameroon
that have had stronger ministers and did not impact their communities in any way.
Need not remind you that it is thanks to Nkwain’s involvement that Kom-Bum was
finally raised to a division thereby gaining independence from Menchum
division. Nkwain is all these, plus more to the Cameroonian of goodwill.
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