- Prof Tafah Unveils
Roadmap At Installation
Prof. Tafah |
“I enjoin
you to work as a team with an addiction of achieving one major dream,
administrative success that will make UBa the blueprint of science in all its
ramifications”, quipped Prof Tafah to a thunderous ovation. He told the
newly installed that they were coming with insights from different backgrounds,
which will give the UBa administration a hybrid texture for the smooth running
of its administration.
Prof Tafah qualified the newly installed as
‘pioneer’, noting how “infront of you are
beds of thorns which you must transform to beds of roses”. The VC was
optimistic when he averred, “I am sure
you are going to break the yoke of challenges and give UBa the optimism of
attaining the great dream, the University of the Future, the Harvard of Africa”.
Concluding, the VC said “as the head of the team, I expect that we work as a team to promote
academic excellence, demonstrate good governance, exhibit transparency, express
loyalty and respect hierarchy”.
Thursday August 16, 2012 was seemingly a day Prof
Tafah had been waiting to come. And this is understandable! Since the creation
and functioning of UBa, for almost 10 months, Prof Tafah has single-handedly
managed the institution. The VC however singled-out Prof Mathew Gwanfobe,
outgone Director of ENS for praises. Gwanfobe is now retired. He was handed a
special symbolic gift of gratification for ensuring the success of UBa.
Last week’s installation therefore puts an end
to the headache in cumulating functions: “it
has not been easy running this institution without a complete team for the past
11 months”, Prof Tafah wailed. He even expressed joy that the team relieves
him from the weight of administrative load.
Installation Rite
UBa VC read his installation speech in which he brought out the pedigree of the
newly installed and then their roadmaps. When he came to talking about each of
the officials, he/she stood up and the roadmap was read out. The VC even noted
that in choosing each of the officials, President Paul Biya believed in
integrity, sense of fairness, foresight and ability to build his youngest
vision, of the University
of Bamenda.
According to Prof Tafah, the newly installed are
not new within the university milieu: that they are part of the cream of five
administrative and academic technocrats with hardline goal-oriented missions,
adding that ‘they are all personalities who incarnate President Paul Biya’s
vision of taking Cameroon
to the ultimate terminus of an emerging economy by 2035.
Who Is Who At UBa?
Pedigree & Roadmap
Prof. Etienne Ze Amvela
Vice Chancellor of Teaching, Professionalism and Development of Information and
Communication Technologies. He was born in Sangmelima in the South Region of
Cameroon. But he is a pure and genuine product of the Anglo-Saxon tradition. He
was trained in the best universities on both sides of the Atlantic
Ocean. Etienne Ze Amvela is holder of the following four (04)
university qualifications:
- Bachelor of Arts (BA) with Highest Honours,
Diploma for the teaching of English as a second or Foreign Language, both from
State University of New York, USA
Master of Science, (MS) from the famous Georgetown
University in Washington D.C, USA and
PhD from the University of Leeds in England,
other achievements, he has limbed all the grades of the teaching corps of
Higher Education. He is now full Professor of English Language and Linguistics.
Prior to his appointment as DVC-TPDICT at the University
of Bamenda, Prof. Ze Amvela has held
the following five (05) top-ranking positions in Higher Education in Cameroon:
Vice-Rector incharge of Internal Control and Evaluation at the University of Yaounde I
Technical Adviser to the Rectors University of Douala,
Director of Academic Affairs, and Cooperation at the University of Daouala,
Director of the Advanced School of Translators and Interpreters at the University of Buea, and
Deputy Director General of the then Buea
University Centre.
University of Bamenda
can only hope to derive maximum benefit from Prof Ze Amvela’s rich and varied
experience not only in English language teaching where he excels, but also in
good governance at the University
of Bamenda.
he was pioneer at the University
of Buea. Today, he is
pioneer at the University
of Bamenda.
Prof. Fritz Ndiva Mbua
Vice Chancellor incharge of Research Cooperation and Relations with the
Business world. He was previously Vice Dean in charge of Students Affairs in
the Faculty of Education of the University
of Buea, is an
accomplished scholar with several publications. Redoubtable for programs in
education. Specialist in Educational foundation and Administration. He is one
of those who is merely coming back home after several years of teaching in the Department
of Science of Education of former ENSAB. He should know that the house has not
grown the proportion he left in the mid nineties. Above all, he will be in
charge of giving the university its most conspicuous visibility through
research and publications. By dint of his office, he shall be the ambassador
ple-ni-po-ten-tiary who will carry the image of the University out, win
cooperation ties and insert it in the business world.
Prof. Dashaco John
Vice Chancellor in charge of Internal Control and Evaluation. He was previously
serving in the University
of Yaounde II Soa as Vice
Dean in charge of Research and Cooperation in the Faculty of Law and Political
Science is specialist in intellectual Property right law. He is young and
dynamic. UBa shall expect him to use his much grounded legal background and his
wealth of administrative experience to promote good governance, ensure the
respect for rules and regulations governing university functioning and stage an
aggressive fight against bribery, corruption and embezzlement. As the man in
charge of internal control and evaluation, the image of the university in all
its forms will rest in his sphere of influence. The dimensions to improve
academic, managerial quality, and heuristics will depend on him.
Prof. Mbofung Carl Moses
has been a long serving Director at the Advanced Institute of Agrok-Industrial
Sciences in Ngaoundere. He will be one of the central arteries of the
University. He will have to assist the Vice Chancellor in the day-to-day
running of the university other than those functions performed by the Deputy
Vice chancellors, the Bursar and Chief librarian. He shall also be the
secretary of the Senate and Council and ensure that the policies and decisions
of the aforementioned organs are implemented. UBa counts on him for the smooth
functioning of the central administration.
Prof Tang Alice
Adviser will be the brain of the system “Recevoir du System”. She will be
thinking and strategizing together with the VC for the system. UBa looks
forward to her innovative ideas to put to action
Prof Jua Rosaline
of Academic Affairs. Hails from Boyo division. Prior to her appointment was
Acting Dean of the Faculty of Arts at UB. She will be expected to bring to UBa
the academic experience of the University
of Buea and to initiate
actions that will make UBa the referral source of science and technology in sub
Saharan Africa. Her position is the nerve wire of all academic undertaking in
UBa. She will in collaboration with the Vice Dean of Academic affairs to ensure
a credible academic system
Mr. Soyang Evaristus
born on 25 Dec 1966 in Bamessing Ndop. Director of Administrative Affairs is an
experienced Senior Treasury inspector and administrator trained at ENAM. He
previously served at the Ministry of Finance. He will be expected to give
administrative assistance to the Registrar especially in matters of resource
management, formulation and interpretation of legal texts and litigations. Went
to ENAM 1998 & 2000, obtained Diplome de L’ENAM; 1986-89, student at
UNIYAO, where he obtained BA; schooled at CCAST.
Prof. Galega Sangena
of Students Affairs, who will be dealing directly with the constituency of
people who justify our mission in the university. As the custodian of this very
precious group, UBa shall expect him to chart actions that will keep the
students comfortable and spirited. Do well to put all the necessary safeguards
against students’ discontents and strikes. Ensure that the Divisions of housing
and catering, sports and recreation, admissions and records and Health should
be put to the best advantage of the students of the University of Bamenda.
UBa equally challenge him to begin preparations for the next university games
in Ngaoundere for the University
of Bamenda looks forward
of being the best in Ngaoundere in 2013. He is coming from the University of Douala, where he served as Vice Dean. He
had served as lecturer at the University
of Buea and Yaounde II
respectively. He holds a PhD in law.
Prof. Petang Chrispin
of Development, Physical Plant and Infrastructure. He is not a new name in
Bambili. He was formerly occupying the same office in the university of Yaounde
I to which ENS Bambili was attached. He is the brain behind the new structures,
from the two pedagogic blocs to all the latest constructions going at the
moment on this campus. It’s our guess that the President of the Republic sent
him to complete the commendable job he started. We shall expect him to build on
this reputation but above all, to conceive and design within the quickest
possible time infrastructural projects to accommodate the needs of teaching,
training, administrative and leisure.
The Schools
Prof. Lukong Cornelius
of HTTC Bamenda in Bambili, formerly Head of Division of University Cooperation
in the University
of Dschang, is also not a
new name in UB and to the institution he is taking office. As former head of
Department of Physics, he knows precisely where he is heading to. He is taking
over a terrain on which the University
of Bamenda was born. UBa challenge him as pioneer
Director to inject fresh ideas that will
go a long way to improve on the quality of training teachers for our secondary
schools and colleges. He is a full Professor of Physics.
Prof. Akume Daniel Akume
of HTTTC Bamenda in Bambili is specialist in Applied Mathematics. Before his
appointment, he served as Chief of Services of SIGIPES at the Ministry of
Higher Education. He shall be expected to reactivate, make real and make more
accessibly, technical educational training. The state of Cameroon has its eyes cast on him to nurse
formidable technical pedagogues who will breed young Cameroonians in the art of
entrepreneurial and engineering sciences, vital assets for the construction of
the emergent Cameroon
of 2035. As the pioneer Director, he carries the daunting responsibility to
chart a feasible development plan for the school in terms of programs,
equipment and infrastructure, while building on what was already started.
Prof. Kuaban Christopher
of the Faculty of Health Sciences, was previously coordinator of the
specialization cycle of the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of the University of Yaounde I. As pioneer Dean, we will challenge
him to build the faculty with a view of making it one of the best in the
country and Africa. It’s a daunting task which
can be done with a collective effort. (Watch out for special Role Model on Prof
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