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Friday, November 9, 2012

Biya Doles 2 Billion For 1992 Post Election North West CPDM Victims

By Tetuh Mbah
The First Vice National President of the CPDM party, Fon Angwafor III of Mankon and a host of North West CPDM militants who suffered from the destruction of their properties in 1992 by opposition militants will at last be compensated.
The good news was disclosed by the Director of cabinet at the Prime Minister’s office, Paul Ghogomu, in Bamenda during the North West launching of the CPDM mobilization of its militants towards the massive registration of militants ahead of the upcoming twin election (parliamentary and municipal) on Saturday, November 2, 2012.
Before some of the 1992 CPDM victims of 1992 political violence in the North West Region like Fon Angwafor III of Mankon whose houses were burnt in Bamenda, Paul Ghogomu said the Head of State has expressed his total sympathy to the victims and has ipso facto, allocated FCFA 2 billion for the compensation of the victims which will be made available as son as possible.
The disclosure of the good message from Paul Biya was provoked by former Minister of Special Duties at the Presidency cum the CPDM section president for Tubah, Peter Abety. He reminded the Prime Minister’s representative at the meeting, Paul Ghogomu, that 400 CPDM militants of the North West Region who suffered brutality and their property destroyed in 1992, were not happy to raise any money for the party because the compensation they expected from the government never came.
On the mobilization of the massive registration of CPDM militants in the voter’s registers which is already ongoing, Ghogomu added that the North West CPDM elite in Yaounde under the Prime Minister, Philemon Yang, have disbursed a total of FCFA 34 million to assist the CPDM executives of all the sections in the North West. He explained that a million FCFA would be given to section presidents each to assist their teams to ensure that the militants register massively.
Following the publication of the CPDM Secretary General’s circular of October 3, 2012 relating to the participation of the CPDM in the compilation of voter registration, the North West CPDM chairman of strategy committee, Hon Nji Fidelis Muh-Ziah, corrected that “the recompilation of voter registration is in keeping with the electoral code and follows the guidelines of President Paul Biya, Head of State and national chairman of the CPDM party”. He said although registration of voters is conducted by ELECAM, the CPDM party will support the recompilation process by encouraging as many Cameroonians of voting age as possible especially CPDM electors to register and to eventually vote on election day.
According to Hon Nji Fidelis the CPDM party has created 2 committees to work in the field for the mobilization of potential voters to register like the supervision and support committees.
On the practical guide lines for the massive registration of militants and supporters of the CPDM in the North West Region, Hon Fidelis emphasized the importance of the present voter registration exercise noting that, “all upcoming and future elections shall be won or lost depending on the diligence (commitment and effort) with which we tackle this assignment” since recompilation is from scratch.
After the November 2, 2012 launching, the divisional CPDM leaders were dispatched to do same in their respective divisions of the North West Region beginning from Ngoketunjia on Sunday, November 3, 2012 whose team leader is Paul Ghogomu.
The launching was chaired by the First Vice National President of the CPDM party, Fon Angwafor III of Mankon.

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