a sort of jealousy of goodness and greatness and things of good report.” And another renowned writer, Mary Stewart stated that, “It is harder to kill a whisper than even a shouted calumny.” In fact, the national and international media in Cameroon has been animated these past days with debates about a purported resignation letter Prime Minister Philemon Yang tendered to the Head of State, Paul Biya. And like any unverified piece of sensational information, especially touching on so sensitive a topic and so hierarchical a personality in the state machinery, the rumour spread like a wild fire in the Savannah during the heat of the dry season.
Cameroonians picked up the sensational news item ventilated by a newspaper item and each interpreted or used it for good or bad measure depending on which side of the politico-ethnic divide that person belonged. But the question lingering in the minds of
critical Cameroonians is why all the noise about PM Yang’s resignation? And why
only now is such noise being made? As it is often said in daily parlance that there is no smoke without fire, the long and short of the purported resignation is that some people somewhere want PM Yang out and want to use all types of unorthodox and subterfuge methods to push through their agenda. The smoke that has sparked the controversy lies somewhere hidden even to Prime Minister Philemon Yang. But those who have lighted the fire know exactly what they intend to achieve by making such fallacious allegations that can attract litigations. Will they succeed remains an imbroglio, given that President Paul Biya is the sole personality to decide the fate of his Prime Ministers and all other appointed officials.
The Genesis Of The Noise About Yang’s Resignation
Like all kill joy
actions, the noise about PM Yang’s resignation was sparked off by an
article published in the French language tabloid, L’Epervier No. 138 of August 22, 2012. The front page article was titled in French, “Philemon Yang donne sa démission à Paul Biya.” After the main headline, a subhead followed suite, “le Premier ministre aurait envoyé sa lettre de démission au président de la République le mois dernier. » Approximately paraphrased in the English Language, the headline and subhead means that Prime Minister Philemon Yang tendered his resignation to the Head of State the
previous month. The newspaper went ahead to state that the Prime Minister in his resignation gave fatigue as reasons he wanted the Head of State to relieve him of his Prime ministerial duties. And to crown it all, the paper decided to publish the article the same day that PM Philemon Yang travelled to Bertoua in the East Region to inaugurate the Ayos-Bonis Highway in the name of the Head of State.
After the official inauguration of the Ayos-Bonis Road, PM Yang who was warmly received by the population of the East Region returned to Yaounde only to face a calculated attempt to soil his reputation, pit him against the Head of State and derail him from carrying out his very demanding state duties. But what did the article actually say about the resignation of Prime Minister Philemon Yang?
article published in the French language tabloid, L’Epervier No. 138 of August 22, 2012. The front page article was titled in French, “Philemon Yang donne sa démission à Paul Biya.” After the main headline, a subhead followed suite, “le Premier ministre aurait envoyé sa lettre de démission au président de la République le mois dernier. » Approximately paraphrased in the English Language, the headline and subhead means that Prime Minister Philemon Yang tendered his resignation to the Head of State the
previous month. The newspaper went ahead to state that the Prime Minister in his resignation gave fatigue as reasons he wanted the Head of State to relieve him of his Prime ministerial duties. And to crown it all, the paper decided to publish the article the same day that PM Philemon Yang travelled to Bertoua in the East Region to inaugurate the Ayos-Bonis Highway in the name of the Head of State.
After the official inauguration of the Ayos-Bonis Road, PM Yang who was warmly received by the population of the East Region returned to Yaounde only to face a calculated attempt to soil his reputation, pit him against the Head of State and derail him from carrying out his very demanding state duties. But what did the article actually say about the resignation of Prime Minister Philemon Yang?
Lies, Fabrication And Calumny In Article
In journalism more
than in any other profession, facts are sacrosanct. This is the reason
why professional journalists always strife all the time to strike a balance by
presenting the facts void of their personal opinions and commentaries, allowing
the public to discern the
truth. Unfortunately, in the article published by L”Epervier newspaper, there are no facts. Instead the author of the article depended on lies, fabrications and calumny to pass across his diabolic intensions. Although the accusations on PM Yang are serious and very grave due to his position as Head of Government, they are nothing but fabrications concocted by the author of the article. The subhead of the article that is written in the conditional tense weakens the arguments raised in the article by the author. He said the Prime Minister had sent his resignation to the Head of State last month. The author neither said exactly which month and on what date the PM sent the said resignation to the Head of State. It would have been professional for the author to have published a copy of the said resignation and failing which he would have indicated the exact date and day that Prime Minister Philemon Yang tendered the resignation to the Head of State. Since the
author claimed to be privy to inside knowledge of the state machinery, it would have been credible for him to have stated through which channel the resignation letter was sent and the various reactions of the people who received it. In all, the article had no authentic information. It was targeted to arouse sensation in the minds of Cameroonians. But it was an article published in bad faith as the allegations about the PM’s resignation do not augur well for his reputation and attachment to state institutions and the Head of State who placed confidence on him. The author of the article did not end at fabricating lies
about PM Yang’s resignation put equally put to question President Paul Biya’s sense of judgment as he stated in the article that PM Yang was appointed by President Paul Biya against popular expectations.
truth. Unfortunately, in the article published by L”Epervier newspaper, there are no facts. Instead the author of the article depended on lies, fabrications and calumny to pass across his diabolic intensions. Although the accusations on PM Yang are serious and very grave due to his position as Head of Government, they are nothing but fabrications concocted by the author of the article. The subhead of the article that is written in the conditional tense weakens the arguments raised in the article by the author. He said the Prime Minister had sent his resignation to the Head of State last month. The author neither said exactly which month and on what date the PM sent the said resignation to the Head of State. It would have been professional for the author to have published a copy of the said resignation and failing which he would have indicated the exact date and day that Prime Minister Philemon Yang tendered the resignation to the Head of State. Since the
author claimed to be privy to inside knowledge of the state machinery, it would have been credible for him to have stated through which channel the resignation letter was sent and the various reactions of the people who received it. In all, the article had no authentic information. It was targeted to arouse sensation in the minds of Cameroonians. But it was an article published in bad faith as the allegations about the PM’s resignation do not augur well for his reputation and attachment to state institutions and the Head of State who placed confidence on him. The author of the article did not end at fabricating lies
about PM Yang’s resignation put equally put to question President Paul Biya’s sense of judgment as he stated in the article that PM Yang was appointed by President Paul Biya against popular expectations.
PM Yang’s Director Of Cabinet’s Strong Rebuttal
It is universally
acknowledged that silence is acquiescence. Prime Minister Philemon
Yang could not have remained silent in the heat of such calumnious accusations. That would have indicated that the accusations were correct, especially as the mundane are quick at believing press reports as gospel truth. It was for this reason that the Director of Cabinet in the Prime Minister’s office, Ghogomu Paul Mingo swung into action to publish a stern denial of such a purported resignation. The PM’s Director of Cabinet insisted that the Prime Minister, Head of Government makes known to the Cameroon public opinion that the allegations published in L’Epervier newspaper are and remain false. The Director of Cabinet’s communiqué adds that since Philemon Yang’s appointment at the helm of the government on June 30, 2009 and his retention as the head of the governmental team on December 9, 2011, he carries out with commitment
and loyalty the important mission assigned to him by the Head of State, President Paul Biya. And that he has never envisaged resigning and has never in any occasion initiated any letter with allusions to such a move. He assured the national and international community of his attachment to the politics advocated by the Head of State to whom he reaffirms his total loyalty. It adds that the Prime Minister, Philemon Yang consequently exhorts all Cameroonians to remain focused on the politics of Greater Accomplishments launched by the Head of State and executed by the government of which he is the head.
The rebuttal from the Prime Minister’s office was timely enough to douse to a certain extent the raging fire of rumour that had engulfed the nation. What was more curious
was the fact that the news of Yang’s resignation was coming on the heels of the
resignation of Maurice Kamto from government and the present trials of former regime barons for embezzlement. Most unsuspecting readers believed in the article and became purveyors of the news of the PM’s resignation that ignited debates every where in the nation.
Yang could not have remained silent in the heat of such calumnious accusations. That would have indicated that the accusations were correct, especially as the mundane are quick at believing press reports as gospel truth. It was for this reason that the Director of Cabinet in the Prime Minister’s office, Ghogomu Paul Mingo swung into action to publish a stern denial of such a purported resignation. The PM’s Director of Cabinet insisted that the Prime Minister, Head of Government makes known to the Cameroon public opinion that the allegations published in L’Epervier newspaper are and remain false. The Director of Cabinet’s communiqué adds that since Philemon Yang’s appointment at the helm of the government on June 30, 2009 and his retention as the head of the governmental team on December 9, 2011, he carries out with commitment
and loyalty the important mission assigned to him by the Head of State, President Paul Biya. And that he has never envisaged resigning and has never in any occasion initiated any letter with allusions to such a move. He assured the national and international community of his attachment to the politics advocated by the Head of State to whom he reaffirms his total loyalty. It adds that the Prime Minister, Philemon Yang consequently exhorts all Cameroonians to remain focused on the politics of Greater Accomplishments launched by the Head of State and executed by the government of which he is the head.
The rebuttal from the Prime Minister’s office was timely enough to douse to a certain extent the raging fire of rumour that had engulfed the nation. What was more curious
was the fact that the news of Yang’s resignation was coming on the heels of the
resignation of Maurice Kamto from government and the present trials of former regime barons for embezzlement. Most unsuspecting readers believed in the article and became purveyors of the news of the PM’s resignation that ignited debates every where in the nation.
The Hidden Agenda
President Paul Biya
is variously referred to by political analysts as a political Maradona. He can
dribble all opinion polls and spring surprises when least expected. At the same
time President Paul Biya is known for never wanting the public or the press to
dictate or influence his choice of appointments. Yet many ministers and
lobbyist know that to eliminate a potential minister from being appointed by
President Paul Biya, such a name should feature in the columns of newspapers as
an appointed minister or director. In such circumstances that would diminish
the persons chances of being appointed by the Head of State who likes to act in
total serenity and secrecy as regards appointments. Equally it
is a common practice by some ministers to leak information about their colleagues to the press in order to expose their wrongdoings and cause the Head of State to sack them. This is so because when the press starts hitting at a particular minister, an investigation is opened on that minister to ascertain the veracity of such allegations. It will not be surprising then if an investigation is opened on the Prime Minister to ascertain the truth. This will surely be welcomed by the Prime Minister as this investigation will absolve him from such calumnious allegations published about him. The hidden agenda about the publication on the resignation of Prime Minister Yang is his recent attribution of marks to some ministers for the execution of projects in their roadmaps. It is alleged and muted in subdued tones in high quarters in Yaounde that some ministers that performed dismally and were poorly noted by the Prime Minister are plotting his downfall. This is so; Chronicle was hinted by highly placed sources, because on his return, President Paul Biya will use the report card of ministers presented to him by PM Yang to dismiss such
ministers. It should be noted that during the first cabinet meeting of ministers after his oath of office, Paul Biya tasked ministers to within a month and a half present roadmaps
of their various ministerial departments. These roadmaps had to be approved by PM Yang before their final approval by the Head of State. With this done, the ministers had to deliver according to their roadmaps. Again, the Head of State entrusted the evaluation of these roadmaps in the hands of PM Yang. During the evaluation, many ministers were overheard complaining that PM Yang’s services were too strict in attributing marks to their performances. Sources close to the Star Building averred to Chronicle that PM Yang has already compiled his result pending the final appraisal of the Head of State. It is alleged that those who did not meet up with expectations are aghast with the PM and want to derail him or pit him against the Head of State. And to do this, the cabinet members that performed poorly have resorted to the press to derail the Prime Minister
and paint him black in the eyes of the Head of State who entrusted his confidence and state duties on him. Also, some political analysts argue strongly that PM Yang’s billboard at the Star Building is attracting petty jealousies. Most thought he was not going to deliver and would soon be shown the exit door, especially as President Paul Biya gave his
government six months to deliver the goals. He performed exceedingly well that the Head of State renewed confidence in him. This renewal annoyed those who were lying in wait for the PM’s job. Today these people are multiplying intrigues to dislodge PM Yang from the Star Building. They want to employ all means and calumny seems to be their first arsenal.
Whether this mudslinging and blackmail tactics against PM Philemon Yang will work remains a conjecture given that President Paul Biya remains the sole judge. Whatever the
case, one thing remains certain and it is the fact that those ministers who have not performed according to the roadmaps they themselves elaborated and forwarded to the Head of State and he validated them would be shown the exit door in the next cabinet reshufflement.
is a common practice by some ministers to leak information about their colleagues to the press in order to expose their wrongdoings and cause the Head of State to sack them. This is so because when the press starts hitting at a particular minister, an investigation is opened on that minister to ascertain the veracity of such allegations. It will not be surprising then if an investigation is opened on the Prime Minister to ascertain the truth. This will surely be welcomed by the Prime Minister as this investigation will absolve him from such calumnious allegations published about him. The hidden agenda about the publication on the resignation of Prime Minister Yang is his recent attribution of marks to some ministers for the execution of projects in their roadmaps. It is alleged and muted in subdued tones in high quarters in Yaounde that some ministers that performed dismally and were poorly noted by the Prime Minister are plotting his downfall. This is so; Chronicle was hinted by highly placed sources, because on his return, President Paul Biya will use the report card of ministers presented to him by PM Yang to dismiss such
ministers. It should be noted that during the first cabinet meeting of ministers after his oath of office, Paul Biya tasked ministers to within a month and a half present roadmaps
of their various ministerial departments. These roadmaps had to be approved by PM Yang before their final approval by the Head of State. With this done, the ministers had to deliver according to their roadmaps. Again, the Head of State entrusted the evaluation of these roadmaps in the hands of PM Yang. During the evaluation, many ministers were overheard complaining that PM Yang’s services were too strict in attributing marks to their performances. Sources close to the Star Building averred to Chronicle that PM Yang has already compiled his result pending the final appraisal of the Head of State. It is alleged that those who did not meet up with expectations are aghast with the PM and want to derail him or pit him against the Head of State. And to do this, the cabinet members that performed poorly have resorted to the press to derail the Prime Minister
and paint him black in the eyes of the Head of State who entrusted his confidence and state duties on him. Also, some political analysts argue strongly that PM Yang’s billboard at the Star Building is attracting petty jealousies. Most thought he was not going to deliver and would soon be shown the exit door, especially as President Paul Biya gave his
government six months to deliver the goals. He performed exceedingly well that the Head of State renewed confidence in him. This renewal annoyed those who were lying in wait for the PM’s job. Today these people are multiplying intrigues to dislodge PM Yang from the Star Building. They want to employ all means and calumny seems to be their first arsenal.
Whether this mudslinging and blackmail tactics against PM Philemon Yang will work remains a conjecture given that President Paul Biya remains the sole judge. Whatever the
case, one thing remains certain and it is the fact that those ministers who have not performed according to the roadmaps they themselves elaborated and forwarded to the Head of State and he validated them would be shown the exit door in the next cabinet reshufflement.
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