- Says Fulanis are not indigenous nor marginalized race
- Mbororo is a specie of cattle not human race
The general assembly of Ardos
Union held at the Bamenda congress hall on September 7, 2012 to celebrate its
achievements and map out strategies to forge ahead. In his keynote address to a
well over 30 Ardos and invitees at the assembly, the Secretary General of the
Ardos’ Union cum President of SODELCO, Alhadji Youguda Buba, opined that the
raison d’ĂȘtre of the general assembly was to celebrate their achievements as
well as share their problems for the common good of the Fulani community. He
said the Ardos’ union as well as SODELCO has come a long way to fight for the
rights and progress of the Fulanis and most importantly for peace, unity and
development to reign within the Fulani community and Cameroon as a whole.
Alhadji Youguda
stressed that the Ardos also came together most importantly to brainstorm on
the way forward for their organization and putting in place a plan of action
and check against “a group of unscrupulous individuals or organization scheming
to destabilize the unity and peace of our organization which is so much
cherished by the Fulanis as the only organization that can assemble them
together for the common good of all”. He observed that the Ardos’ union and
SODELCO unlike other Fulani organizations misleading the Fulanis, Cameroon and
the international community, stand tall as the only authentic and most reliable
Fulani organization. He hoped that after the brainstorming, the members were
going to leave the assembly smiling that finally, the moves by some
unscrupulous Fulanis and groups have been frustrated with the promoters nipped
in the bud.
Creating awareness
to the international community and Cameroon government in particular about the
Fulani community, the Vice National President, Abdel Aziz Hamidou, corrected
that in 1987, a group of Fulanis created an organization in Bamenda dubbed
“Fulani Social Association” and in 1991, another Fulani brothers came up with
another group called “Mbororo Development Association” and today, “Mbororo
Social, Cultural and Development Association - MBOSCUDA” for their selfish
Hear him:
“There’s no race in the world called Mbororo. Mbororo is rather the species of
cattle not human beings”. He said the MBOSCUDA promoters did this deliberately
to create a false impression to the international community that they are
marginalized, indigenous population like the Bakas of the East Region so as to
attract funding from the international community for their individual interest
not even for the Fulanis.
Abdel Aziz
questioned why MBOSCUDA claims that Mbororos (Fulanis) are marginalized in
Cameroon when the Technical Adviser at the Presidency is MBOSCUDA National
President, a Fulani, Galga Haman, was a Minister, several Fulani people now in
the army, others nurses and teachers in the civil service among others.
According to
Abdel Aziz, MBOSCUDA is not helping Cameroon
government one bid, given that it’s creating an impression in the international
community that the indigenous people of Cameroon
like Mbororos (Fulanis) and the Bakas are marginalized, whereas they all enjoy
like every Cameroonian from the services Cameroon government offers. “The
government has opened schools in all the nooks and crannies of this country
including hospitals etc. Let MBOSCUDA tell Cameroonians whether their children
have for once been chased out of any school or whether any Fulani has been
denied access to any hospital because of his Fulani race. So it’s because they
blindfold the international community that they attract funding from the donors
for their individual selves”. He said because of their lies telling, most
international organizations like Plan-Cameroon, ILO and lot more, have
continuously been spending on MBOSCUDA members every other year.
Abdel Aziz
disclosed that they (Fulanis) have started telling the international community
the truth about the Fulani race of Cameroon, reason why MBOSCUDA
appears to be dormant this time. “Recently, I frustrated FCFA 600 million which
an international organization would have sent to MBOSCUDA for the construction
of a veterinary school after telling them the truth that we have several
veterinary schools in the country”. He said with SODELCO, over 700 cattle is
kept to give to Fulani communities to assist them raise income while the youths
are equally empowered economically and others sent to school with no foreign
funding like MBOSCUDA; all thanks to SODELCO cum Ardos’ Patron, Alhadji Baba
Danpullo, who has always been by the Fulanis to give them the necessary
Calling them
scammers, Abdel Aziz regretted that MBOSCUDA claims that over 4000 Fulanis are
evicted from their grazing land when it’s all fake and giving Cameroon a bad
name. He said there are about 86 Ardos in Cameroon and 46 in the North West
Region alone. Out of the 46 Ardos in the North
West, 30 answered present at the September 7, 2012
Ardos union general assembly. “So you can see that MBOSCUDA does not work with
their chiefs”.

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