Chronicle gathered has to be audited given allegations that he was Chief
Ephraim Inoni’s man. It is believed that he could just be scape-goated, given
his adherence to the former Prime Minister, presently awaiting trial at the
Kondengui prison.
Henri Eyebe
Ayissi, Minister Delegate at eth Presidency in charge of supreme state control,
dropped the bombshell last week. He summoned three (3) top ranking officials,
to appear before the budgetary and finance disciplinary council of the supreme
state audit. Apart from Monono, other officials include Iya Mohamed, General
Manager of SODECOTON, Bruno Bekolo Ebe, Rector of the University of Douala.
But as for the
case of Monono, Chronicle gathered that Monono would be grilled over the
management of the GCE Board from 2006 when he took over from Omer Wey Yembe, up
till 2009. Implicitly, it is the first mandate of his constitutional stay as
GCE Board registrar.
A source hinted
Chronicle that the probe targets 2006-2009 for obvious reasons. Accordingly,
this is the period when the GCE board began receiving government subsidy. It is
believed that for Monono to have been appointed out of a panel of three (3) by
Inoni, it was not by accident. How did the GCE Board therefore manage
government subsidies between 2006-2009? Why has there been the outcry about the
probable cut or suspension of the subsidy?
learnt that pricked by the complaints of the Board presently, the supreme state
audit has had to cruise into the management of its finances.
A source at the
GCE board however told Chronicle that Monono would emerge as a saint after
being grilled by the budget and finance disciplinary council of the supreme
state audit.
gathered that those who could probably be axed, include Johannes Mbong and
Matthew Akoko, the outgone two deputy registrars of the board. Allegations are
rife that both could have received contracts from the board, against the rule.
learnt that in the most part, the deputy registrars placed themselves on
mission or executed contracts within the board, which was against their rule.
Even with Peter Abety, Board Chairman of the GCE Board, Chronicle gathered that
he only came within the scene one, after huge sums had allegedly been drained
by the deputy registrars. Thus within the period 2006-2009, Abety is
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