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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

PAMOL GM’s Demise Linked To Witchcraft Tussle

By IO Fossung
For two key General Managers of the greatest Anglophone state corporations to die in succession has been interpreted varyingly. While pending the autopsy report conducted on Chief Obi Okpun Wanobi Osang, General Manager of PAMOL, it is common talk that his death could not be natural. Did he die of frustration of not having been made GM of CDC? Was it a ploy to eliminate him to limit chances of the president in selecting a new Prime Minister? Was it the normal ploy by the Oroko’s to see but one of theirs to be appointed GM of PAMOL?
Obi Okpun collapsed and died in a local Limbe hotel as he went for an ordinary session of the Board of Directors of PAMOL. Though he died, the Board meeting went on, with Charles Okon Mekanya, the deputy GM appointed as interim.
Mekanya is Oroko. As interim, it is expected that the Head of State might confirm him as GM, as he did with Franklin Njie at CDC. Should this come to pass, then the dreams of the Orokos would have been realized.
It is on record that Mekanya had long been gunning to become GM. Obenofunde like Obi Okpun, hail from Manyu division. And like Franklin Njie, Mekanya is expected to man organization for the funeral of Obi Okpun in Akwaya in the days ahead.
Another school of thought holds that chief Obi Okpun could have suffered from a heart attack just from thoughts that he had missed from being catapulted as CDC GM. A presidential decree signed 3 days before, confirmed Franklin Njie as Njalla Quan’s successor.
The mystical aspect of Obi Okpun’s death is being muted over the politics of who-is-who in Manyu division. Obi Okpun hails from Akwaya and had allegedly been tipped to be favoured, should the president decide to replace Philemon Yang at the Star Building.
It is unclear how such metaphysics works, though clairvoyants hold have not ruled out any possibility. It is even alleged that Njalla Quan could have just been the first target, then Obi Okpun. But who by?
The funeral program of Obi Okpun is yet to be out. It is expected that autopsy reports might clear the air, though it may be difficult to denounce the mystical allegations already in the air.

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